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    Mar 31, 2025  
2016-2017 Catalog 
2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses Approved for Transfer

The following courses are approved for transfer. It is recommended that students consult with the university of their choice to confirm requirements and transferability of courses:

ANTHR 215 [S1 900N] Introduction To Anthropology
ANTHR 222 [S1 901N] Introduction To Cultural & Social Anthropology
ART 101 [ART 907] Two Dimensional Design
ART 102 [ART 908]Three Dimensional Design
ART 104 [ART 904] Drawing I
ART 106 [ART 905] Drawing II
ART 109 Ceramics
ART 115 Introduction To Computer Art
ART 121 [F2 901] History Of Western Art I
ART 122 [F2 902] History Of Western Art II
ART 126 [F2 904] History Of Photography
ART 129 [F2 900] Art Appreciation
ART 131 [F2 903N] Survey Of Non-Western Art
ART 162 Life Drawing
ART 201 Painting I
ART 202 Painting II
ART 205 Printmaking
ART 246 Independent Study
ART 295 Portfolio Seminar
ASTRO 101 [P1 906] Guide To The Universe
ASTRO 104 [P1 906L] The Solar System And Beyond
BIOL 100 [L1 900L] General Education Biology
BIOL 103 [L1 901] Plants And Society
BIOL 105 [L1 905] Environmental Biology
BIOL 106 [L1 906L] Heredity And Society
BIOL 107 [L1 903] Microbes And Society
BIOL 108 Essentials Of Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 111 [L1 910L; BIO 910] Cellular And Molecular Biology
BIOL 112 [L1 910L; BIO 910] Organismal Biology
BIOL 120 Independent Studies In Ecology
BIOL 211 Microbiology
BIOL 221 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 222 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 252 Molecular Genetics
BUS 101 Introduction To Modern Business
BUS 131 [BUS 903] Financial Accounting
BUS 132 [BUS 904] Managerial Accounting
BUS 201 Business Law
BUS 204 Business Ethics
BUS 210 Business Law And Its Environment
BUS 240 [BUS 901; M1 902] Elementary Statistics
BUS 241 Principles Of Management
BUS 242 Human Resources Management
BUS 251 Principles Of Marketing
BUS 261 [MC 912] Advertising
CADMD 243 Introduction To Autocad
CADMD 245 Computer Aided Design
CHEM 105 [P1 902L] Survey Of General Chemistry
CHEM 110 [CHM 911; P1 902L] General Chemistry I
CHEM 130 [CHM 912] General Chemistry II
CHEM 203 [CHM 913] Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 204 [CHM 914] Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 206 Introduction to Biochemistry
CJ 101 [CRJ 901] Introduction To Criminal Justice
CJ 102 [CRJ 912] Introduction To Criminology
CJ 106 [CRJ 911] Introduction To Corrections
CJ 201 Introduction To Criminal Law
CJ 204 [CRJ914] Juvenile Justice
CJ 207 Street Law: Understanding Law and Legal Issues
COL 100 Computer Skills For College Writing
COL 101 First Year Seminar
COL 102 Career Development Seminar
COL 105 Personal Awareness
COL 106 Personal Wellness
COL 107 More Brothers & Scholars
COMM 101 [C2 900] Principles Of Communication
COMM 102 Persuasive Public Speaking
COMM 103 Group Discussion
COMM 108 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 111 [MC 911] Introduction To Mass Communication
COMM 115 Introduction To Broadcasting
COMM 196 Applied Forensics I
COMM 197 Applied Forensics II
COMM 198 Applied Forensics III
COMM 199 Applied Forensics IV
COMM 299 Internship
ECED 103 Health, Safety, and Nutrition
ECED 104 Introduction to Early Childhood Education
ECED 201 Sign Language I
ECED 202 Sign Language II
ECON 201 [S3 901] Macroeconomic Principles
ECON 202 [S3 902] Microeconomic Principles
ED 100 Foundations Amer. Public Education
ED 101 Child Growth And Development
ED 212 Exceptional Child
ED 220 Children’s Literature
ENG 101 [C1 900] Composition I
ENG 102 [C1 901R] Composition II
ENG 110 Creative Writing: Poetry
ENG 111 Creative Writing: Nonfiction Prose
ENG 211 [H3 914] American Literature I
ENG 212 [H3 915] American Literature II
ENG 215 [H3 910D] African-American Literature
ENG 220 Children’s Literature
ENG 221 [H3 903] Introduction To Poetry
ENG 231 [H3 912] British Literature I
ENG 232 [H3 913] British Literature II
ENG 240 [H3 901] Introduction To Fiction
ENG 243 [H3 908N] Non-Western Literature In English
ENG 252 [H3 902] Introduction To Drama
ENG 256 [HF 908] Film And Literature
ENG 261 [H3 906] Western/World Literature I
ENG 262 [H3 907] Western/World Literature II
ENG 271 [H3 905] Introduction To Shakespeare
ENGR 210 [EGR 942] Engineering Statics
ENGR 211 [EGR 943] Engineering Dynamics
GC 115 Introduction To Computer Art
GC 151 Principles of Graphic Design
GC 162 Introduction to Web Site Development
GC 175 2D Animation
GEOG 101 [S4 900N] Cultural Geography
GEOG 105 [P1 909] Intro To Physical Geography
GEOLO 101 [P1 907L] Physical Geology
GEOLO 201 Earth Science Research
GER 101 German I
HIST 111 [S2 912N] World History: Origins To 1714
HIST 112 [S2 913N] World History: 1714 To Present
HIST 115 [S2 906N] African Civilizations I
HIST 116 [S2 907N] African Civilizations II
HIST 140 [S2 910N] History Of Latin America
HIST 151 [S2 902] History Of Western Civilization I
HIST 152 [S2 903] History Of Western Civilization II
HIST 201 [S2 900] U.S. History: 1492 To 1877
HIST 202 [S2 901] U.S. History: 1877 To Present
HIST 240 [H2 909D] African American History
HLTH 101 Health And Wellness
HUMAN 101 [H5 904N] Comparative Religions
HUMAN 102 [H5 901] Foundational Religious Texts
HUMAN 201 [H9 900] Humanities Themes:Myth, Reason & God
HUMAN 202 [HF 900] Form And Structure In The Arts
HUMAN 203 [H4 902] Major Modern Ideas
ITAPP 101 [BUS 902] Introduction To Computers
ITPRG 142 Visual Basic Programming I
ITPRG 144 C++ Programming I
ITPRG 147 [CS 911] Java Programming I
ITPRG 242 Visual Basic Programming II
ITPRG 244 [CS 912] C++ Programming II
ITPRG 247 Java Programming II
ITWEB 105 Multimedia Writing
JRNLM 101 [MC 919] Introduction To Journalism
LIB 101 Foundations of Information
MATH 112 [M1 904] General Education Mathematics
MATH 115 [M1 902] General Education Statistics
MATH 151 College Algebra
MATH 153 [M1 902] Probability And Statistics
MATH 155 [M1 906] Finite Mathematics
MATH 157 [M1 900-B] Calculus For Business & Social Science
MATH 165 Pre-Calculus
MATH 171 [M1 900-1; MTH 901] Calculus With Analytic Geometry I
MATH 172 [M1 900-2; MTH 902] Calculus With Analytic Geometry II
MATH 173 [M1 900-3; MTH 903] Calculus With Analytic Geometry III
MATH 200 Math For Elementary Teaching I
MATH 201 Engineering Computer Programming
MATH 206 [M1 903] Math For Elementary Teaching II
MATH 210 [CS 915; M1 905] Discrete Mathematics
MATH 216 [MTH 912] Differential Equations
MATH 220 Linear Algebra
METEO 150 [P1 905] Introduction To Meterology
MUSIC 100 Fundamentals Of Music Theory
MUSIC 101 Musicianship I
MUSIC 102 Musicianship II
MUSIC 110 Concert Choir
MUSIC 115 Orchestral String Ensemble
MUSIC 120 Wind Ensemble
MUSIC 125 Latin Music Ensemble
MUSIC 130 [F1900] Music Appreciation
MUSIC 132 [F1904] American Music
MUSIC 143 Class Voice I
MUSIC 144 Class Voice II
MUSIC 152 Jazz Ensemble I
MUSIC 153 Jazz Ensemble II
MUSIC 162 Jazz Choir I
MUSIC 163 Jazz Choir II
MUSIC 171 Fundamentals Of Music Production
MUSIC 181 Private Lessons I
MUSIC 182 Private Lessons II
MUSIC 191 Private Applied Music I
MUSIC 192 Private Applied Music II
MUSIC 201 Musicianship III
MUSIC 202 Musicianship IV
MUSIC 252 Jazz Ensemble III
MUSIC 253 Jazz Ensemble IV
MUSIC 262 Jazz Choir III
MUSIC 263 Jazz Choir Ensemble IV
MUSIC 281 Private Lessons III
MUSIC 282 Private Lessons IV
MUSIC 291 Private Applied Music III
MUSIC 292 Private Applied Music IV
PE 101 Physical Fitness I
PE 102 Physical Fitness II
PE 103 Physical Fitness III
PE 104 Physical Fitness IV
PE 105 Aerobics I
PE 106 Aerobics II
PE 107 Aerobics III
PE 108 Aerobics IV
PE 151 Basketball
PE 161 Soccer
PE 162 Volleyball
PE 163 Golf
PE 164 Tennis
PE 165 Softball
PES 200 Officiating Sports
PES 201 Introduction To Physical Education
PES 202 Cultural Dance I
PES 215 Group Fitness Instructor Training
PES 220 Fitness Assess./Exercise Prog Dsgn I
PES 225 Weight Training: Theory/Applicat.
PES 230 Nutrition For Sports And Exercise
PES 235 Athletic Training Techniques
PES 250 Kinesiology
PES 255 Special Populations
PES 265 Physiology Of Exercise
PHILO 101 [H4 900] Introduction To Philosophy
PHILO 202 [H4 904] Ethics
PHILO 203 [H4 906] Introduction To Logic
PHILO 204 [H4 905] Philosophy Of Religion
PHILO 205 [H4 903N] Eastern Philosophy
PHOTO 171 Introduction to Photography
PHOTO 291 Survey Of Contemporary Photography
PHYSC 111 [P9 900L] Physical Science
PHYSC 112 [P1 905L] Earth Science
PHYSI 101 [P1 901L] Conceptual Physics
PHYSI 105 [P1 901]Physics And Society
PHYSI 120 [P1 900L] College Physics I
PHYSI 130 College Physics II
PHYSI 210 [P2 900L; PHY911] University Physics I
PHYSI 220 [PHY 912] University Physics II
PHYSI 230 [PHY 914] University Physics III
POLSC 101 [S5 903] Principles Of Political Science
POLSC 140 [S5 900] Intro To U.S. Government & Politics
POLSC 152 [S5 902] U.S., State And Local Government
POLSC 230 [S5 905] Intro. To Comparative Government
POLSC 240 [S5 904] Intro. To International Relations
POLSC 250 [PLS 913] Introduction To Political Philosophy
POLSC 260 Model Illinois Government
PSYCH 101 [S6 900] Introduction To Psychology
PSYCH 102 [S6 902] Human Growth & Development: Life-Span
PSYCH 202 Educational Psychology
PSYCH 203 [PSY 905] Abnormal Psychology
PSYCH 204 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
PSYCH 212 Theories Of Personality
PSYCH 215 [S8 900; PSY 908] Social Psychology
PSYCH 217 Human Sexuality
SOCIO 101 [S7 900] Introduction To Sociology
SOCIO 111 [S7 901] Contemporary Social Issues
SOCIO 201 Introduction To Social Work
SOCIO 210 [S7 902] Marriage And The Family
SOCIO 215 [S7 904D] Sex, Gender And Power
SOCIO 220 [S7 903D] Race Rel:A Multicultural Perspective
SOCSC 105 African American Masculine Identity
SPAN 101 Spanish I
SPAN 102 Spanish II
SPAN 120 Latin American Culture & Civilation
SPAN 201 Spanish III
SPAN 202 [H1 900] Spanish IV
SWK 201 Introduction To Social Work
THTRE 101 [F1 907] Understanding Theatre
THTRE 111 [TA 914] Fundamentals Of Acting